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来源:西北园艺 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-22 08:45
摘要:扫码听读 Gardening in the Ancient World 古代世界园艺 The earliest gardens were grown for practical man became civilized an upper class emerged with the leisure to enjoy purely decorative also had servants (or slaves) to do the gar


Gardening in the Ancient World


The earliest gardens were grown for practical man became civilized an upper class emerged with the leisure to enjoy purely decorative also had servants (or slaves) to do the gardening for them.


Gardening in Ancient Egypt


2 In the hot and arid1arid 干燥。climate of ancient Egypt, rich people liked to rest in the shade of created gardens enclosed by walls with trees planted in the Egyptians planted alternating grew trees like sycamores2sycamore 是几种完全不同的树木的统称。源自希伯来语,《圣经》中有记载,指的是桑科的西科莫无花果树(Ficus sycomorus),古埃及人会用其制造木乃伊箱,在美国特指悬铃木。, date palms, fig-trees, nut trees, and pomegranate also grew Egyptians also grew vineyards.(Although beer was the drink of the common people; the rich liked drinking wine).The Egyptians also grew a wide variety of flowers including roses, poppies, irises, daisies, and cornflowers, and they liked their gardens to have rectangular they were stocked with fish.

2 古埃及气候炎热干燥,富人们喜欢在树荫下休息。他们建起带围墙的花园,园内种下成排的树木。有的时候,埃及人还会间植各种树木。他们会种西科莫无花果树、枣椰、无花果、坚果树、石榴树,以及柳树。此外,他们也会营建葡萄园(不过普罗大众喝的是啤酒,富人才喜欢喝红酒)。埃及人种植的花卉也丰富多样,包括玫瑰、罂粟、鸢尾花、雏菊和矢车菊等。他们还喜欢在花园里建长方形的池塘,有时里面养鱼。

3 The Egyptians believed that the gods liked gardens and so temples usually had gardens by them.In ancient Egypt different trees were associated with different gods, so gardens had religious in Egypt there was no strict division between gardens for pleasure and gardens for well as being beautiful gardens were used to grow fruit and vegetables and to produce wine and olive oil.

3 埃及人认为,神灵们喜爱花园,所以庙宇旁边常常会有花园。在古埃及,不同的树与不同的神明相关联,所以花园有宗教意义。然而在埃及,用于游乐的花园和用于生产农产品的花园并没有严格的划分。一座花园既可以漂漂亮亮,也可以用来种植果蔬、生产葡萄酒和橄榄油。

Gardening in Ancient Iraq


4 In the ancient world beautiful gardens were created in what is now Iraq.The Assyrians came from Iraq and in the period 900 BC–612 BC they ruled a great empire in the Middle the upper-class Egyptians, Assyrians enjoyed created large hunting parks but they also made pleasure gardens irrigated by water Assyrians planted trees such as palms and the Assyrian Empire was destroyed in 612 BC, the city-state of Babylon created another huge Nebuchadnezzar is supposed to have built the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient to tradition his wife Amyitis missed the mountainous terrain of her homeland, so the king built a stepped terrace garden for her.

4 在今天的伊拉克境内,古代曾建造过美丽的花园。亚述人的祖居地在伊拉克,公元前900—前612年间,他们在中东统治着一个庞大的帝国。和埃及的上层阶级一样,亚述人也十分喜欢花园。他们建造了大型的狩猎场,也修建了用水渠灌溉的游乐花园,种棕榈和柏树之类的树。当亚述帝国在公元前612年被摧毁时,巴比伦城邦创造了又一个庞大的帝国。据称,尼布甲尼撒王建造了古代世界七大奇迹之一的巴比伦空中花园。据传说,他的妻子安美依迪丝想念家乡的山岭,于是国王便为她建造了一个阶梯式的台地花园。

5 The Babylonians liked formal enjoyed the shade of trees planted in straight lines.In 539 BC the Babylonian Empire was destroyed by the Persians who created yet another great Persians were superb built underground aqueducts to bring water to their gardens without it evaporating on the were called the earlier civilizations, the Persians grew fruit trees and fragrant shrubs and gardens also contained pools, fountains and watercourses or rills.

5 巴比伦人喜欢规整的花园。他们将树木沿直线栽种,享受它们带来的阴凉。公元前539年,巴比伦帝国被波斯人所灭,后者又创造了一个大帝国。波斯人是极为出色的园艺师。他们建造了地下水渠,将水引入花园,同时又避免水分一路蒸发。这些地下水渠被称为坎儿井。和更早期的文明社会相似,波斯人会种植果树、芳香灌木和花卉。他们的花园还有水池、喷泉以及水道或小溪。

文章来源:《西北园艺》 网址: http://www.xbyyzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0722/1073.html


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